Thursday, November 27, 2014

Affordable care act knowledge and publicity in the older chinese-american population

Studies have shown that lack of health knowledge in Chinese-American immigrants can be attributed to language and cultural barriers and that providing culturally competent and language-specific information may mitigate these barriers.  Thus, there is a need for materials about the Affordable Care Act (PPACA), especially concerning the administration of (Covered CA) and eligibility for coverage under the law.  Although many Chinese Americans are aware that they are required to purchase health insurance, they are unaware of how to do so. Policies should be directed toward helping the elderly minority population register for health insurance and understand the provisions in a language-specific and culturally competent manner. It is hoped that, with the implementation of these policies, the benefits of the PPACA can be maximized for the Chinese-American community, and the health disparities of the population can be alleviated.  Fulltext can be found here.

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