Thursday, November 27, 2014

Affordable care act knowledge and publicity in the older chinese-american population

Studies have shown that lack of health knowledge in Chinese-American immigrants can be attributed to language and cultural barriers and that providing culturally competent and language-specific information may mitigate these barriers.  Thus, there is a need for materials about the Affordable Care Act (PPACA), especially concerning the administration of (Covered CA) and eligibility for coverage under the law.  Although many Chinese Americans are aware that they are required to purchase health insurance, they are unaware of how to do so. Policies should be directed toward helping the elderly minority population register for health insurance and understand the provisions in a language-specific and culturally competent manner. It is hoped that, with the implementation of these policies, the benefits of the PPACA can be maximized for the Chinese-American community, and the health disparities of the population can be alleviated.  Fulltext can be found here.

Duration of residence and dementia literacy among Chinese Americans



To investigate whether duration of residence (DOR) impacts dementia literacy in Chinese Americans aged 40-64.

MATERIAL: A total of 151 Chinese Americans answered a self-administered, true/false survey assessing knowledge of dementia symptoms, treatment, cause and prognosis. Two groups were dichotomized and compared based on DOR in the USA.

DISCUSSION: DOR did not greatly impact the understanding of dementia between respondents with a < 20-year versus a ≥ 20-year DOR. Both groups exhibited deficiencies in recognizing the symptoms of dementia. 

CONCLUSION: Gaps in dementia knowledge reflect a stigma surrounding mental illness among Chinese Americans, and impact the seeking of professional care.

Improper Eye Care During Inpatient Psychiatric Stay

Literature has shown that unrecognized physical illnesses may exacerbate psychiatric symptoms leading to inpatient psychiatric hospitalization (1). In the U.S. there are approximately 257 per 100,000 population admissions to psychiatric hospitals, and 480 per 100,000 population admissions to psychiatric beds in a general hospital in 2011 (2).  While medical clearance is often done in the emergency room before admittance, it is highly likely that investigation about the use of vision correction is often not asked in the emergency room or on inpatient unit.  Fulltext can be found here.

Monday, November 24, 2014

家人或朋友記憶力衰退, 你怎麼辦? 懷疑患上腦退化症, 你擔心嗎? 胡醫生教你如何防治腦退化


南三藩市路德會基信堂 (Faith Lutheran Church)350 Dolores Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080查詢熱線: (650) 863-1236