Wednesday, June 22, 2016


老人病, 1

老人家行路不穩, 跌倒, 點解?
腰酸背痛, 是否老人家的"專利"?

老人病,2 -- 手震,是柏金遜症?

手震, 書寫困難, 是常見的自然衰老現象,或是患上柏金遜症的初期徵狀? 柏金遜症是否老人專有疾病﹖

老人病, 3 -- 老年口腔健康 (粤語健康醫學講座)

老年人的咀嚼能力, 口腔健康衛生, 與營養狀態.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

青少年 -- 身,心,靈 -- 健康


到底什麼是絕對音感呢 (Perfect Pitch)? 就是聽到任何有音高的聲音, 都能辨認出正確的音高.



Part 1:

Part 2:

Friday, January 22, 2016

A Promise (There is Always Hope with Mental Illnesses) Short Film

"A Promise" tells a story of Fanny, a mother who suffers from schizophrenia with exacerbation during pregnancy. She was then institutionalized. Eventually, her ex-husband was granted the custody of their child, Pearl.

It is Pearl's birthday today, and while they all love Fanny always, they are somewhat ambivalent to go see Fanny, who is in her recovery. Love has no shame, even though it takes time to accept. And we know that one day, Pearl will say, "Thank you mommy for all your love." There is always hope!

Director and Producer: Jamie Oi Ping Chung