Friday, August 28, 2015

Exploring the Impact of a Culturally Tailored Short Film in Modifying Dementia Stigma Among Chinese Americans: A Pilot Study


Chinese Americans, one of the fastest growing ethnic groups among the US elderly population, perceive high levels of dementia stigma. The authors examined the extent of the stigma and explored the impact of media through a culturally tailored short film to modify dementia stigma.


Chinese American participants were asked to answer a dementia questionnaire. A short film was then used to address the impact of media on dementia stigma.  Please see short film here 


Among 90 randomly selected participants, 89 % (n = 80) found the short film to be a useful way to modify their misconceptions about dementia. In the comparison between the group who felt less influenced by the short film and the group who recognized the short film to be extremely helpful, the latter group had a higher baseline of stigma toward dementia, as well as a shorter duration of residence in the USA.


Chinese Americans still perceive severe dementia stigma. Nevertheless, a culturally tailored short film demonstrated promising impact in modifying stigma toward dementia.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

憂慮,焦慮症,如何見焦拆焦 (粤語健康醫學講座)

壓力因素, 一般分為:
1. 個人內在:生理上, 如疲勞;心理上,如自尊受挫..等
2. 外在環境:如噪音, 塞車,...
3.  未來發展:如求學, 求職, 婚姻,...

1. 經常覺得憂心, 影響生活?
2. 有操心不完的事情,例如工作、學校和健康?
3. 很難控制自己的擔心?
4. 經常焦躁不安、焦慮、精神緊張、心神不寧?
5. 容易疲倦?
6. 難以集中注意力?



S = 壓力管理  Stress management; E = 運動  Exercise; N = 營養  Nutrition; S = 營養補充品  Supplements; E = 評估  Evaluation
… and SLEEP


不要為明天憂慮, 因為明天有明天的憂慮,一天的苦足夠一天受的了。瑪6:34